Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Having A Hard Night.

     Tonight has been really hard for me when it comes to my depression and trying to keep certain memories hidden that are too rough to live with. I don't normally speak of it because this memory is definitely one that I need to keep to myself. Some people are easier at talking about it with others because it helps them, but for me, it's the opposite. My story is not like most, but it does happen to a lot of people and it is scary enough. I don't tell my story to most because it is the one memory I would rather set in a locked box and throw it away in the back of my mind, to be left for all eternity. It's the one memory, I would rather keep to myself. We each need our own secret memories. Maybe one day I will be able to speak about the worries and always having to look over my shoulder, but not now. Not yet.
     I have been seeing a lot of Facebook shares about women speaking out about being raped and becoming sex slaves and it has brought my emotions back full force. I am only comfortable speaking to people who have also been raped because it helps comfort one another and let's us know that we aren't alone. We listen to each others stories (not the full story, just enough that we still have some to hold back), cry on each others shoulders, and pray with each other. 
     No one can fathom what we go through day to day, year after year. We appreciate it when people apologize that we went through it but we mainly want them to keep us (all rape victims) in their thoughts and prayers. If you have a worry that someone may be in that kind of danger, ACT! Help them. Talk to them. Let them know that you will look out for them. Just be mindful about what you say and how you say it. Even the slightest wording of things can cause us to crack.

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